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Big Innovation Conversation: The NHS as an anchor institution
INSIGHT 2020: Event 26 - The NHS as an Anchor: sharing experience, shaping decisions
Q Online Visit: Lessons from creating an Innovation Hub
Integrated Care Systems - Partnerships beyond the NHS
In the Service of the Health of All - Anchor Institutions
"We need to use data to provide insights on how impactful our care is" Mark Cubbon | Voices of Care
Greener NHS Lunch N Learn: ICSs and Anchors HALN insights
Session ONE - AI in the NHS: Shaping the future of health care
Cathie Cowan: NHS Forth Valley's anchor mission
The Big Population Health Conversation: Involving others and joining the dots
Meet The Next Billion Dollar Start-Up That's Revolutionizing Nurse Staffing | Forbes
Healthcare, economics and society – unlocking NHS collaboration